Riding with Renegades in the Australian bush: Our Renegade® Experience

Thank you, Leanne, for sharing your success story with us! After many years of shod-horse [...]

Karen Chaton’s Owyhee Fandango Ride + Renegade® Horse Boots Report

Thanks, Karen, for submitting another great report…we’re so pleased that the boots are continuing to [...]

Renegade® Hoof Boot Riders Rock ‘Ride the Divide’

The AERC Southwest Region’s “Ride the Divide” endurance ride, held over Memorial Day weekend near [...]

Planning for Tevis 2012?

Hey, Renegade® riders!  Are you planning on riding the Tevis this year?  If so, we [...]

Submit YOUR Horse Boot News!

  Riders, we want to hear from you!  Share your excitement and success with Renegade® [...]

Renegade® Hoof Boots Is On Social Media

Have you joined our social network yet? ‘Like’ us on our Facebook page for news announcements, [...]

Owyhee Fandango Success

Congratulations to Karen Chaton and her two horses, Granite Chief and Pro Bono, for a [...]

New Boot Upgrades

Did you know that we recently upgraded the hook-and-loop material used in our strapping system? [...]

Join Our Newsletter!

Renegade® has a newsletter!  Sign-up below and you’ll be entered for a chance to win [...]

Congratulations to Decade Team Annie George and Chance G7!

A huge congratulations goes out to Annie George and “Chance G7,” who earned their AERC [...]