Amanda and ‘Eddy’

This Idaho endurance rider completed 360 AERC miles in Renegades in the AERC’s NW region in 2008. Congratulations Amanda and PF Fast Eddy!

Here is her Renegade® hoof boot experience:

I purchased two sets of Renegades early last spring for my two boys. My goals were to make my older endurance gelding comfortable without shoes, despite navicular changes, and bring my new boy through his first year of endurance barefoot/booted. My navicular gelding went from tip-toeing across the gravel to a sound trot. My equine vet husband went from super skeptical to convinced in three strides flat.

My new gelding, PF Fast Eddy, started out last year with a 50 mile ride in Oreana, Idaho, which is known for being exceptionally rocky. He did fantastic and we went from there. We did 360 miles last summer, most of them in front boots, and the last few rides with rear boots as well.

After 360 endurance miles and numerous conditioning miles, I decided to retire that pair from endurance and handed them down to my husband and his new horse. I have a fresh pair waiting in the tack room and they will be pulled out as soon as “spring training” begins.

I cannot express how much I love these boots! I went from being super paranoid about losing one to just *knowing* they will stay on. I watch others fuss with different brands before, during and after rides and am so thankful I don’t have to fuss! I honestly would still be using metal shoes if I had to pound this, take off that, cut this down and vetwrap just to make them work. No thanks! I also love the fact I can take them off and put them back on at vet checks and on the trail if needed.

Thank you for developing these boots and for continuing to make the modifications that make them better and better.

Looking forward to 2009 in Renegades,

Amanda Washington and PF Fast Eddy