We got a couple of great reports from riders at the Nevada Derby endurance ride and their booted success. Congratulations!
From Karen Chaton:
We had a really terrific ride at the two day Nevada Derby endurance ride last weekend in Palomino Valley, NV. I rode Bo on the first day and Chief on the second day. Both horses have been going great all season and have completed over 750 miles between the two of them (405 for Chief, and 350 for Bo) – all using strap on Renegade® boots (or else barefoot). We’ve been fortunate enough to be able to try out the new Viper™ boot model that has several improved features over the previous Renegade® boot. These new boots are phenomenal and work so well on both of my horses. I can’t wait until they are available for others to get, as there will for sure be a lot more happy booted horses out there!

photo by Gore/Baylor Photography

photo by Gore/Baylor Photography
Even Chief has been unable to step or pull one of the new boots off, nor do they twist on his super round front feet when he gets excited. Bo has lots of fun hamming it up for the ride photographer when I let him – he loves to put it into high gear and take off running. We had fun doing that last Saturday – we were cantering a long and then I realized that there were some motorcycle woops in the trail directly ahead and we had to pull up rather quickly. Chief was a little more low-key when we went by the ride photographers Rene and Bill and did his standard trot-by. Both horses finished their 50’s in terrific shape, earning A’s on gait and attitude all the way through.
I am really looking forward to the rest of the ride season and being able to keep using the Renegade® and Viper™ strap on boots and not have to mess with gluing boots on. So far in all of the rides we’ve done there have been no rubs or sore spots. Thanks guys!
Karen, Bo and Chiefy
Editor’s Note: The Viper™ is a prototype Renegade® model currently undergoing extensive field testing and will be released to the market later in the year and more information will be forthcoming the closer we get to a release date.
From Diane Stevens:
Hi Guys,
Just wanted to tell you me and my hubby had a great time at the Nevada Derby this weekend. John did his second LD with Fonzie and they won. I did my first 50 of the season on Titan and got 2nd place and Titan won Best Condition! Very proud for both horses! Was lots of deep sand and long hard gravel roads! Both horses has strap ons on the front! Renegades Rock!

photo by Gore/Baylor Photography