My name is Kathy and this is Wrangler. We just started endurance riding in 2009 and had not heard too much about hoof coverings/boots. I have to admit in my research, the Renegade® boot was ignited by the picture of the beautiful horse and rider going up the mountain side in the Tevis 2009 photo; someone I hope to aspire to be with my faithful, strong mustang in Renegade® boots. Yes, it reads like a fairy tale.

Prior to our first ride, I had tried Wrangler’s Renegade® boots out twice; once the front twisted to the inside and the second time they seemed fine. The day of the ride came and to say the least, I was very anxious, for more than one reason. This was it, can we do it?…it was only a 30 mile, but my last try at a fun ride, I tore my ACL and ended up in surgery a month later…Wrangler could sense something was happening as we started our ride.

I kept looking down and concentrating to feel his steps, please don’t twist, please don’t come loose…my mantra. I rode with a veteran endurance rider and kept asking him, “How do the boots look, Nate?” He kept answering…“Fine.”

At the 18 mile vet check, they were still fine but I had to check for rubbing…I took them off to find only a small amount of sand and not a single hair rubbed. I was impressed but I was also too new to know, that was great. Wrangler barely broke a sweat and the vet said he was doing awesome.

We took off for the remaining 12-mile leg of the ride and I kept asking the question and Nate faithfully kept answering, “Fine”. He finally started asking questions of my Renegade® boots as his horse was shod. He noticed that I had taken them off with ease at the vet check and put them back on just as easily. He also noticed the flow thru design as we crossed a swampy bog and small creek. He said he had tried several different name brand boots and even a few spin-offs but it was just easier to keep a horse shod but he was going to look into these Renegade boots in the future.

I thought I did a good thing by putting my horse in Renegades as he is a mustang and has very hard hoof walls, the farrier discouraged shoeing him…and now after a 30 mile ride, not a single rub, a sound vet check, a happy horse and an impressed veteran endurance rider…YEP, I am sure I made the right choice! Thanks, Renegade®!

Kathy Pape (NM) and Wrangler