Our most recent ride was the Manzanita 50, on 10-04-08, about 65 miles east of San Diego off the I-8. I used my Renegades on the front feet only; they performed perfectly. I had ridden 200 miles on the same shoes at Bryce Canyon the month before. I am using the blaze orange Renegade® boot, the size which is a “0″ with an insert to fit my horse’s “00″ size hoof. The platform of the “00″ boot is too short for my horse’s front hooves. I ride with boots on the front feet only, and barefoot behind.

I get over 400 miles on a set of front boots. I still have my first pair of boots that now have 500 miles on them, (all but 20 miles in competition), and they are still usable for another 50 miler.

My horse has 1400+ miles of rides, (all 50s), with about 900 miles barefoot. I use the boots to pad the feet to protect the feet from picking up rocks. I don’t boot the back feet. I only use the boots on races, and ride barefoot the rest of the time. I have booted the back feet only once on the Bryce Canyon ride, and it helped my horse over the rocky parts of the ride tremendously.

I have a horse that has straight-walled feet. Renegades simply fasten on with velcro, they STAY ON and encapsulate and protect the entire hoof.

My only advice to riders who lose a boot is to tighten the boot down more. The mechanics of the fastening process is tighten the bottom strap first, and then allow enough room to insert ONE finger under the pastern strap. (I snug down the boot with my finger inserted under the strap.)

[Editors note: We recommend inserting two fingers under the pastern strap – it needs to be loose to allow for proper captivator function and pastern flexion.]

I rode the Bar H ride, 9th place; Cuyama Oaks I/13th place, II/22nd place and III/48th place; Lost Padres I/15th place; Bryce Canyon I/20th place, II/16th place, III/21st place and IV/19th place; Manzanita 50/20th place.

Awards: 3rd Heavyweight in Pacific South Region.

Torg Wold