Multiple days, multiple riders, multiple horses…and multiple boot successes!
From Karen Chaton:
I just did another four days and 205 miles at the Death Valley Encounter between Christmas and New Years with Renegade® hoof boots. I continue to be impressed with how well these boots have been performing on all of my horses. What I like best is that the Renegades eliminate the problems that many of us riders encounter who are not using nail on shoes or wanting to spend the time, effort and expense to glue boots on that stay below the hairline.
I now have 255 competition miles in the boots on Granite Chief, and 100 competition miles with the boots on Pro Bono for a total of 355 AERC miles in them. Neither horse has had a single rub or any other problem or issue from using the boots! In addition to competition miles, each horse has got at least double the mileage in training in them. The Renegade® boot users at Death Valley did not have any problems caused to their horses by using the boots. It is so great to be able to vet through every single vet check for four days and not have a single problem – that is in part to having the boots perform so well.
These boots have stayed on both of my competition endurance horses in all conditions including water crossings, mud, deep sand, various types of rocky terrain as well as good footing. I’ve walked, trotted, cantered and done fast gallops in the boots in various types of footing including up and down hills while the boots have been wet and have not had one come off! It is such a relief to be able to strap boots on and not have to worry about them. I am more worried about a rub or other issue developing as that is a much more serious issue than just having a boot come off. I am obviously a happy camper that the boots are proving to work as well as they have been on multiple days of riding in endurance rides – no rubs! In fact, you can’t even tell at the end of the ride that either of my horse had done anything.
I think it helps that I put the time and effort into preparing in advance. Not just this ride but before the three other endurance rides that I used the Renegade® strap on boots on Chief I put in the time and effort ahead of time to make sure that everything was fit and adjusted properly. I’m glad that I did because it really helped me get through my ride with ease and kept my horses comfortable and sound.
The best part about the boots that I’m seeing so far (besides that they are so easy to use, and aren’t causing any rubs) is that I feel that Chief is very comfortable in them and moves better and that has been resulting in improved recoveries for him in the vet checks. Which is really impressing me because why else would a horse with his kind of mileage and experience suddenly have an improvement in that area? But he has, and whatever the reason – I’m thrilled! It’s just nice to have him going so well and I’m thankful for the option of Renegade® boots!
Karen Chaton
Karen’s Musings & Endurance Ride Stuff blog

From Cindy Bradley:
I have ridden both our Morgans in Renegade® hoof boots since the spring of 2008. We have completed 300 competitive miles in 4 boots. This does not include the training miles I had done in them. I have had no rubs. The Renegades have never twisted or come off although I have ridden through mud, rocks, sand, water and snow. What I like most about the Renegades is the flex of the heel captivator which makes it easier for my horses to negotiate steep hills and rough terrain.
One of my horses usually only needs Renegades on his front feet while the other uses them all around. These 4 boots have had many miles on them and the only thing that has been replaced is the rubber keeper for the straps. They still have a lot of wear left and I will be using them for many more miles. I highly recommend Renegades for the barefoot horse.
Cindy Bradley
NW Endurance Rider

From Patty Danley:
Death Valley Encounter is a great area to ride in! Lots of nice footing, but there are some rocky areas and on Day 4 we had a challenging climb over the Slate Range down to Valley Wells.
First of all, getting up to near freezing temperatures in the dark and putting four boots on was a snap! I am guessing it only took a minute or so to apply each boot!
Traversing over the Slate Range was no place to have an issue with boots; not a problem. The boots wore very nicely, no twisting.
Lastly, after the ride I easily removed all four boots and marveled at how nice Shelly’s feet looked!
I am so very pleased with the Renegade® Boots! They are simple to put on and take off; best of all there are no wear marks on the feet, no pressure marks on the heels and no debris in the boots. I have a happy horse which makes for a very happy rider!
Patty Danley and MMF Shelob