
Thank you Anna for submitting your story. Congratulations to you and your boy on your success using Renegades! Anna is a Renegade® Hoof Boots dealer in Denmark.

Saturday 7th July 2012 was the day for one of the biggest Danish endurance rides in 2012. On this day, there were both international FEI classes and the Danish championship (75 miles). There were national classes too. Me and my 8 years old paint horse gelding – Flashy Chex Junior – rode the longest national class – 50 miles. It´s our 4th endurance season and it was second time for us competing on 50 miles distance. My goal was to ride in our own pace and finish the ride with a healthy and happy horseand qualify for the international classes . It´s a challenge to compete with my 14,1 hands tall cowhorse-bred paint horse against all the endurance bred Arabian horses…My horse is not so fast and doesn´t like if it´s too hot. But he is a great trail horse, sure footed, willing and he really loves to use his energy during the endurance rides. I decided to boot my horse with Renegade® boots both on the front and hind hooves. We used boots for shorter endurance rides before. Now, I wanted to really test Renegade® boots on him. My gelding uses size 2 both on front and hind hooves. I love the color sport orange for his front hooves, because they just “shine” and everybody notices them. On the hind hooves he had a pair of yellow boots.

During the ride everything went smoothly. We rode at our own pace, I tried to take care of my gelding’s  legs to the extent possible when there were muddy holes (and there were plenty of them). After the second vet inspection my horse was still in good shape, lying as number 5 in the race, with all 4 boots on, while many of the horses had lost shoes. On the last 10 miles, my gelding was just happy and still had a lot of energy… I just let him go and we suddenly were in 2nd place on the last loop…with a Swedish rider just behind us. My gelding felt the Swedish horse behind him and I didn´t want to ask my horse for more, I wanted to “play it safe”. But it felt to me as if my horse was telling me – I want to be in front of that horse, I want to go and I can…so, I let him. At the end we crossed the finish line as second, couple of minutes before nr. 3. Me and my helper were preparing my gelding for the final vet inspection, when the rider who finished as nr. 1 came over to me and said – well…now you have a chance to win this ride, because my horse was lame in the final vet inspection. During the final vet inspection I was so nervous (as every time)…hoping that everything will be alright. When trotting for the vets I just tried to show my horse as good as possible…and then I just saw the vet smiling and saying congrats. I was so relieved and happy… for the first time ever me and my horse won an endurance ride…First time booted with Renegade® boots on all four hooves – without problems, they just stayed on – despite of mud. And now, we´re also qualified for the international classes.

About 1.5 hours after we finished, we were called out to vet inspection again. This time, the vets were deciding, which one of the  horses who finished the ride, would win the best condition award. I showed my gelding with Renegade® boots on the front hooves, barefoot on the hind legs. We had to show the horses in trot for the vets, first on a straight line, then an 8-pattern at the end. At the end, both me and the other participants were out of breath, running next to our horses and trying to show them best possible. We made jokes that this must be the “best condition” for us riders…The vets didn´t tell us who won, that was a secret. Later that evening, the prize ceremony took place. After my gelding and I got our 1. place for the ride, they announced that we also won the best condition award. I just can´t describe how glad and proud of my horse I was. And of course, I was so glad that I chose Renegade®  boots to be a part of this great day.

Both the vets and some of the other riders asked about my boots and were impressed that the boots did so well. A great testimonial for the Renegade® boots in Denmark. What an incredible day.

Anna Sögaard Hanusova & paint horse gelding Flashy Chex Junior

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